IRCF Manager

The IRCF Manager oversees the daily management, funding of network training and workshops, website management, standardization, site visit protocols, problem solving, national and international connections. The manager is also responsible for coordination of all the committees and for writing the reports and organizing the meetings of the committees.


Dr. Tsiona Elkayam-Cohen


Dr. Tsiona Elkayam-Cohen




Israel Research Core Facilities (IRCF)




IRCF Manager





IRCF Academic Committee

The Academic Committee are principal investigators from various institutions who meet periodically with the IRCF Forum and the IRCF manager to oversee their work and discuss IRCF issues and progress. They are responsible for implementing the program, approving funding requests, and providing reports to the steering committee.


Prof. Robert Fluhr

Galia Blum

Prof. Ehud Banin

Prof. Izhak Kehat

Prof. Robert Fluhr

Prof. Galia Blum

Prof. Ehud Banin

Prof. Izhak Kehat

Weizmann Institute

Hebrew University

Bar Ilan University


Faculty member and head of the academic committee of the IRCF

Faculty member and member of the academic committee of the IRCF

Faculty member and member of the academic committee of the IRCF

Faculty member and member of the academic committee of the IRCF


IRCF Executive Forum 

The Forum is made up of the senior core administrators representing active core heads of the majority of core infrastructure centers in Israel today. They meet periodically with the IRCF manager to discuss IRCF issues and progress.


Dr. Miriam Kott-Gutkowski

Dr. Ofer Shenker

Dr. Itay Lazar

Alice Polacsi Segev

Dr. Miriam Kott-Gutkowski

Dr. Ofer Shenker

Dr. Itay Lazar

Alice Polacsi Segev

Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Bar Ilan University

Tel Aviv University

Head of Core Research Facility (CRF)

Head of Biomedical Core Facility (BCF)

Head of Kanbar Core Facility Unit

Head of Jan Koum Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology









Dr. Efrat Forti

Dr. Danny Ben Avraham

Dr. Boris Shklyar

Itay Arie

Dr. Efrat Forti

Dr. Danny Ben Avraham

Dr. Boris Shklyar

Itay Arie

Ben Gurion University

Weizmann Institute

University of Haifa

Ariel University

Head of the Research Support Laboratories, Ilse Katz Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology

Head of the Nancy and Stephen Grand Israel National Center for Personalized Medicine (G-INCPM)

Head of Bioimaging Unit at Natural Sciences Core Facility

Head, Technology and Engineering Unit and Head of Administration of Technologies and Engineering



IRCF Steering Committee

The composition of the IRCF Steering Committee is determined by the Ministry of Innovation, Science, and Technology. Its role is to monitor IRCF activities by advising and aiding in the development of the directions of the Knowledge Center.


The Steering Committee members:




Weizmann Institute

Prof. Robert Fluhr

Faculty member and head of the academic committee of the IRCF

Hebrew University

Prof. Galia Blum

Faculty member and member of the academic committee of the IRCF

Soroka Medical Center

Prof. Victor Novack

Director of the 8th Department of Internal Medicine, Director of the Center for Clinical Studies, and Head of the Research Authority

Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology

Eitan Thee

Deputy Director General, Planning and Development Division

Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology

Dr. Sharon Yagur Kroll

Scientific Director in the Field of Medical Sciences

Ministry of Defense

Yuval Cohen

Head of the Sea and Air Defense Branch, Aeronautics Department

Council for Higher Education

Prof. Yuval Garini

Faculty member at the Technion and Chairman of the Committee for Research Infrastructures of the Planning and Budgeting Committee

Ministry of Finance

Talya Yoshpe

Economist, Higher Education and R&D Budgets, Budgets Department, Ministry of Finance

Council for Higher Education

Naomi Beck

Deputy Director General for Strategy and International Affairs

Council for Higher Education

Daniel Milbauer

Strategy Programme Director (Infrastructure and Research Funds)

Ministry of Economy and Industry

Yochai Bernstein

Senior Director - Industrial Development

Israel Innovation Authority

Yael Rosenberg

Senior Software Engineer Manager

Manufacturers’ Association

Dr. Eli Abramov

Chairman of the Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sector 

Israel Science Foundation (ISF)

Prof. Daniel Zajfman

Chairman of the ISF Academic Board

Israel Research Core Facilities (IRCF)

Dr. Tsiona Elkayam-Cohen

IRCF Manager



IRCF Advisory Committee 

The Scientific Advisory Committee advises the Knowledge Center on the planning and executing scientific events such as conferences, scientific and professional workshops, and more, and in establishing funding guidelines for these events and grants for IRCF member participation in scientific events.




Dr. Yafit Fleger

Dr. Sharona Elgavish

Dr. Lior Bikovski

Dr. Efrat Ben-Zeev

Dr. Yafit Fleger

Dr. Sharona Elgavish

Dr. Lior Bikovski

Weizmann Institute

Bar Ilan University

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Tel Aviv University

Israel National Center for Personalized Medicine (G-INCPM)

BINA Center for Scientific Instrumentation

Head of Bioinformatics Unit of the I-CORE (Info-CORE)

Head of the Myers Neuro-Behavioral Core Facility

Dr. Yael Pazy Benhar


Dr. Olga Krichevski


Dr. Maya Lalzar

Dr. Carmen Segall

Dr. Yael Pazy Benhar

Dr. Olga Krichevski

Dr. Maya Lalzar

Dr. Carmen Segall


Ariel University

University of Haifa

Ben Gurion University

Head of Technion Center for Structural Biology (TCSB)

Technology and Engineering Core

Head of Bioinformatics Unit at Natural Sciences Core Facility

Research Support Laboratories, Ilse Katz Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology



IRCF Network Coordinators 

The IRCF networks are communities of core facility staff across various fields, focused on enhancing proficiency through knowledge sharing and developing training programs for their personnel and others.



Core Facility Managers and Administration

Dr. Itay Lazar Dr. Efrat Forti Danny  Hardon  

Dr. Itay Lazar

Dr. Efrat Forti

Danny  Hardon


Bar Ilan University

Ben Gurion University of the Negev

Ariel University 


Kanbar Core Facility Unit

Research Support Laboratories, Ilse Katz Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology



Flow Cytometry Network  

Dr. Ziv Porat Dr. Amir Grau    

Dr. Ziv Porat

Dr. Amir Grau



Weizmann Institute of Science

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology



Life Sciences Core Facilities (LSCF)

Biomedical Core Facility (BCF)



Metabolomics Network 

Dr. Sergey Malitsky Dr. Matan Avivi Dr. Natalya Kogan  

Dr. Sergey Malitsky

Dr. Matan Avivi

Dr. Natalya Kogan


Weizmann Institute of Science

Bar Ilan University

Ariel University 


Life Sciences Core Facilities (LSCF)

Kanbar Core Facility Unit



Genomics Network 

Dr. Hadas Keren-Shaul Dr. Liat Linde Dr. Idit Shiff  

Dr. Hadas Keren-Shaul

Dr. Liat Linde

Dr. Idit Shiff


Weizmann Institute of Science

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Hebrew University of Jerusalem


The Nancy and Stephen Grand Israel National Center for Personalized Medicine (G-INCPM)

Technion Genomics Center (TGC)

Core Research Facility (CRF)


Image Analysis Network 

 Ofra Golani  Daniel Waiger  Dr. Yael Lupu Haber  

Ofra Golani

Daniel Waiger

Dr. Yael Lupu Haber


Weizmann Institute of Science

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology


Life Sciences Core Facilities (LSCF)

Agriculture Core Facility (ACF)

Life Sciences and Engineering (LS&E) Infrastructure Center


Bioinformatics Network

 Dr. Hiba Waldman Ben Asher  Dr. Oshrit Rahimi  Dr. Avital Sarusi Portuguez  Dr. Tehila Daniel

Dr. Hiba Waldman Ben Asher

Dr. Oshrit Rahimi

Dr. Avital Sarusi Portuguez

Dr. Tehila Daniel

Bar Ilan University

Ariel University 

Weizmann Institute of Science

Ariel University 

The Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Unit

Technology and Engineering Core

The Nancy and Stephen Grand Israel National Center for Personalized Medicine (G-INCPM)

Technology and Engineering Core

In Vivo Imaging 

 Dr. Daphna Link  Dr. Rinat Abramovitch  Dr. Galit Saar  
Dr. Daphna Link Dr. Rinat Abramovitch Dr. Galit Saar  
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center Technion - Israel Institute of Technology  
Technion Human MRI Research Center (TecH MRC) The Wohl Institute for Translational Medicine Biomedical Core Facility (BCF)  

Pre-Clinical Research 

 Dr. Amir Rosner  20240829070923.222.jpg    

Dr. Amir Rosner

Dr. Dvir Mintz 



Israel Institute for Biological Research (IIBR)

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology



Animal Facility

Preclinical Research Authority




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Yana Miliutin

Dr. Golan Tanami

 Assaf Hazzan


Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

 Weizmann Institute of Science


Micro & Nano Fabrication Unit (MNFU)

Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

 Chemical Research Support


Proteomics Network  

 Dr. Hanan Schoffman  Dr. Yishai Levin  Dr. Tamar Ziv  

Dr. Hanan Schoffman

Dr. Yishai Levin

 Dr. Tamar Ziv  

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Weizmann Institute of Science

 Technion - Israel Institute of Technology  

Research Infrastructures Center

The Nancy and Stephen Grand Israel National Center for Personalized Medicine (G-INCPM)

Smoler Proteomics Center   

Drug Discovery Network   

 Dr. Ludmila Buzhansky  Dr. Haim Barr    

Dr. Ludmila Buzhansky 

 Dr. Haim Barr    

Tel Aviv University

 Weizmann Institute
of Science

Blavatnik Center
for Drug Discovery

 The Nancy and Stephen Grand Israel National Center for Personalized Medicine (G-INCPM)    

Light Microscopy 

 Dr. Uzi Hadad  Maya Holdengreber  Dr. Einat Zelinger  

Dr. Uzi Hadad

Maya Holdengreber

Dr. Einat Zelinger


Ben Gurion University of the Negev

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Research Support Laboratories, Ilse Katz Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology

Biomedical Core Facility (BCF)

Agriculture Core Facility (ACF)



Nanofabrication Managers

 Alice Polacsi Segev  20240829065733.106.jpg    

Alice Polacsi-Segev

Dr. Eran Lipp


Tel Aviv University

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology


Jan Koum Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Micro & Nano Fabrication Unit (MNFU)